Check Date/Time in PHP

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

What I need the code to check is that $reQuest is 24 hours in the past then return a time based on how long ago that was in the past if 24 hours has not passed.
if ($reQuest!=""){
if (is_on_interval($phpdate,$getdate,24)==false){ //24 hours has not passed.
//echo $reQuest."<br />"; //debug lines of code
//echo phpversion(); // Installed 5.3.1 but still registered as 5.2.2 --odd
$start = new DateTime($reQuest); //First or start date to be check as pulled from the database.
$time = $start->diff(new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $phptime))); //Check the difference in date with diff() available in 5.3.1

The problem is that 5.3.1 did not install properly and being such I am trying to figure out a new way to get the difference in time from the DateTime in the database and the current time obtained by PHP. The $reQuest variable has a value of 2010-02-18 12:47:15
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

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