Creating a function

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Basically i wanna put all this code in a seperate file

Code: <?php

$query = "select product.ProductID, product.ProductName, product.ProductCategory, product.ProductPrice, product.ProductQuantity, product.ProductDescription, image.ImageID, image.ImagePath, image.ImageName, product_image.ImageID, product_image.ProductID
FROM product
JOIN product_image
ON product.ProductID = product_image.ProductID
JOIN image
ON image.ImageID = product_image.ImageID";

//Use this query below
$result = mysql_query($query, $conn)
or die ("Unable to perform query");

while($row= mysql_fetch_array($result))

$productname = $row['ProductName'];
$productprice = $row['ProductPrice'];
$imagename = $row["ImageName"];
$imagepath = $row["ImagePath"];
//Get the product id so i can pass it
$productid =$row["ProductID"];
$file = $imagepath.$imagename;

<li class="newproducts">
<!-- Make the product name clickable and pass through its id -->
<?php echo '<a href="product_details.php?productid='.$productid.'">' .$productname.'</a><br />';?>

<?php echo '<a href="'.$file.'" target="_blank" rel="lightbox"><img src="'.$file.'" width="100" height="100"/><br />';?>

<?php echo 'Price' . $row ['ProductPrice'].'<br /><br />';?>

Then call it on the index page, how can i do this

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