Okay here is the page in question:
session variables not working anymore
i use sessions to handle authentication within my site. my host has been changing a lot of
article site help remaining text
Hi all hope you will be fine
I am creating a article site in this site i want to put some text on
isset undefined variable
Hi all,
Hope someone can point out the obvious. I've a log in script, if you dont enter a use
Curly Bracket Delimeters.
I'd always believed that the starting and ending delimeters in preg_ functions had to be the same ch
Solution Manager BPR
Does the SolMan-BPR-ARIS-Integration (
urldecode question
How would I format this line of code properly?
<?php echo urldecode($_GET['Title']); ?
Connecion issue
For some reason, I keep getting this error when trying to connect:
Warning: mysql_
Just wondering what you think about my site
I am new to phpfreaks i just seen this form and thought it would be cool to see what other thought a
Pulling out some result data from MYSQL
Hey Guys,
I've built a PHP page that has a for just imagine something like registration form