Different actions for different parts of a string

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

function dosomething($string, $else = '') {
if (empty($else))
$string = "<b>$string</b>";
$string = "<i>$string</i>";
return $string;

$input = "Some words.
[code]some code.[/code]
More words.
[quote]some code[/quote].
Other words.";

$codetag = array('[code]', '[quote]');
$codetag_rev = array('[/code]', '[/quote]');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($codetag); $i++)
$codetag_array[] = "/([sS]*$codetag[$i])([sS]+)($codetag_rev[$i])([sS]*)/e";
$input_new = preg_replace($codetag_array, 'dosomething("$1") . dosomething("$2","else") .dosomething("$3") . dosomething("$4")', $input);
echo "$inputn<hr>n$input_new";
// This becomes a huge mess and $2 doesn't get saved from being bold
echo "<hr><hr>";
// It does work fine if I only try it on one tag
$input_new = preg_replace($codetag_array[0], 'dosomething("$1") . dosomething("$2","else") .dosomething("$3") . dosomething("$4")', $input);
echo "$inputn<hr>n$input_new";
// $2 is indeed saved from turning bold

So my only question is - how do I do this for multiple tags?

Or, if you want, you can simply ignore everything until now and just tell me how do I turn $input into:

// Output:
<b>Some words.
[code]</b><i>some code.</i>[/code]<b>
More words.
[quote]</b><i>some code</i><b>[/quote].
Other words.</b>;


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