From Header Showing 'Unkown' In Hotmail? Why?

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Code: $to = $row_GetID['email_addr'].',';
$subject = 'Thank you for your www.mywebaddress Order'.' ('.$row_GetID['ordernum_ID'].')';

$headers = '';
if (mail($to, $subject, $body,$headers)) {
echo("<p>Email Sent To Customer Successfully!</p>");
} else {
echo("<p>Email To Customer Failed!</p>");
This Code Snippet works fine with normal email programs, such as outlook express but if i download the emails in hotmail, then the from header seams to display as Unknown? In the recieved Emails List, even tho if u open the email Itself, it does show the correct from email address? (ie our Website email address)

Is the code wrong in anyway?


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