Getting number of affected rows in SQLPLUS..

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hi everyone,
I have a shell script where i am invoking sqlplus, running a query and saving the result in a spool file in a .csv format. Now this file has a trailer that contains
number of rows selected. So i cant use SQL%ROWCOUNT and i dont know how to get that number.
Someone has given me a idea to wc line count the file and append it as a trailer, but i cant do that as in the trailer line i have to display a number that is a oracle
sequence. The file format will be something like this ---

000001,TESTSOURCE,1 ---------------> This is the trailer (oracle_seq,constant varchar,no of rows selected)

Is there any way i can get the number of rows affected by the previous query in sqlplus. Any help will be greatly appricaited.
I can go ahead and do it with Pl/sql but i'll not quit untill i am absolutely sure thery no way out for this.


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