How to display random record from table?

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I have the following code:

Code: <?php
$display_block .= "<input type=button value="Generate Random Monster">";

$get_monsters = "select * from monsters1";
$get_monsters_res = mysql_query($get_monsters, $conn) or die(mysql_error());

$display_block .= "<table class=monster>";

while ($monsters_info = mysql_fetch_array($get_monsters_res)) {
$monster_id = $monsters_info['id'];
$monster_name = $monsters_info['name'];
$monster_map = $monsters_info['map'];
$monster_location = $monsters_info['location'];
$monster_hit_points = $monsters_info['hit_points'];
$monster_attack = $monsters_info['attack'];
$monster_defense = $monsters_info['defense'];
$monster_agility = $monsters_info['agility'];
$monster_wisdom = $monsters_info['wisdom'];
$monster_magic_endurance = $monsters_info['magic_endurance'];
$monster_number_of_attacks = $monsters_info['number_of_attacks'];
$monster_range = $monsters_info['range'];
$monster_experience_points = $monsters_info['experience_points'];
$monster_silver = $monsters_info['silver'];

$display_block .= "<tr><td>$monster_name</td>";


And what I want to do is when they click the button (Generate Random Monster), that it displays a random record from the table. All I want the user to see is the "monster_name". Can anyone tell me how to make the button show a random record from the table in my database? I also would like the table information to be invisible to the user until they click the button. How can I do that?

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