Needing Youtube thumb nail fix.

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I have a script on a site that pulls in you-tube videos,
The problem is, that the thumb nails for the site, no longer show up.

I have tried to add codes to remove the line causing the problem but this fails me.
The code is this if anyone has a way to fix it.


function yt($ytsearch) {

global $ytcurrenttag;
global $ytvids;
global $ytid;
$ytvids = array();

function ytinsidethetag($ytparser, $ytdata){
global $ytcurrenttag;
global $ytvids;
global $ytid;
if(!strcmp(strtolower($ytcurrenttag),"title")) {
$ytvids[$ytid]['type'] = "yt";
$ytvids[$ytid]['title'][0] = ucwords($ytvids[$ytid]['title'][0]);


function ytopentag($ytparser, $ytdata, $ytattr=''){
global $ytcurrenttag;
$ytcurrenttag = $ytdata;
global $ytvids;
global $ytid;
if(!strcmp(strtolower($ytcurrenttag),"media:player")) {

function ytclosetag($ytparser, $ytdata){
global $ytid;

$ytxml_parser = xml_parser_create();

xml_set_element_handler($ytxml_parser, "ytopentag", "ytclosetag");

xml_set_character_data_handler($ytxml_parser, "ytinsidethetag");

$ytdata = fetchrssyt("$ytsearch&start-index=1&max-results=40");
if(!(xml_parse($ytxml_parser, $ytdata)))
die("Error on line " . xml_get_current_line_number($ytxml_parser));


return $ytvids;


The code in the browser for the thumb comes up.

and i think for it to work i need.
lOgQyIMX_XU = whatever video needs to be displayed.

Someone said to try this.
$ytid = str_replace('feature=youtube_gdata', '',$ytid);
$ytid = str_replace('&', '',$ytid);
$ytid = str_replace('amp;', '',$ytid);

but it did nothing for the problem

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