paginate search result

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hi, I have a paginations script to display data from my database but i would like to paginate someones search results. I have this script but get an error that says "syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting '}'" for this if(!$start){$start = 0;}

Code: <?php
include ("connect.php");
$per_page = 20;
$start = $_GET ['start'];
$record_count = mysql_num_rows (mysql_query("SELECT * FROM flats WHERE `location` LIKE '%$keyword%' OR
`location` LIKE '%$keyword%'));
$max_pages = $record_count / $per_page; // may come out as a decimal
if(!$start){$start = 0;}
$get = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM flats WHERE `location` LIKE '%$keyword%' OR
`location` LIKE '%$keyword%' ORDER BY date_posted DESC LIMIT $start, $per_page");

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