What am I missing here? Help!

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hello all!. I can't seem to get this working right. Well - it renders right, but something is going wrong. It's a set of filters for events. The filter marked "type" (category) works fine - but the ones for "location" and "venue" do nothing. They don't show an error, they just don't function.

Any help would be appreciated!

This is the code:
Code: [Select]$typeQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT eventCategory FROM eventcal_events where userSubmitted = '0' ORDER BY eventCategory";
$typeList = mysql_query($typeQuery) or die(mysql_error());
$numtypes = mysql_num_rows($typeList);

$typeselect = "<select name="type" style="width:110px;">";
if($type == "All"){
$all = "selected";
$typefilter = "";
} else {
if ($type <> "") {
$typefilter = "AND eventCategory='" . $type . "'";

$typeselect .= "<option value="All" " . $all . ">All Categories</option>";
while($typearray = mysql_fetch_array($typeList)){
if($typearray["eventCategory"] != "") {
$selected = "";
if($typearray["eventCategory"] == $type) {
$selected = "selected";
$typeselect .= "<option value="" . $typearray["eventCategory"] . "" " . $selected . ">" . substr($typearray["eventCategory"],0,15) . "</option>";

$typeselect .= "</select>";
#if($numtypes < 2) {
# $typeselect = "";

$locationQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT eventLocation FROM eventcal_events where userSubmitted = '0' ORDER BY eventLocation";
$locationList = mysql_query($locationQuery) or die(mysql_error());
$numtypes = mysql_num_rows($locationList);

$locationselect = "<select name="location" style="width:110px;">";
if($location == "All"){
$all = "selected";
$locationfilter = "";
} else {
if ($location <> "") {
$locationfilter = "AND eventLocation='" . $location . "'";

$locationselect .= "<option value="All" " . $all . ">All Locations</option>";
while($locationarray = mysql_fetch_array($locationList)){
if($locationarray["eventLocation"] != "") {
$selected = "";
if($locationarray["eventLocation"] == $location) {
$selected = "selected";
$locationselect .= "<option value="" . $locationarray["eventLocation"] . "" " . $selected . ">" . $locationarray["eventLocation"] . "</option>";
$locationselect .= "</select>";
#if($numtypes < 2) {
# $locationselect = "";

$venueQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT eventVenue FROM eventcal_events where userSubmitted = '0' ORDER BY eventVenue";
$venueList = mysql_query($venueQuery) or die(mysql_error());
$numtypes = mysql_num_rows($venueList);

$venueselect = "<select name="venue" style="width:110px;">";
if($venue == "All"){
$all = "selected";
$venuefilter = "";
} else {
if ($venue <> "") {
$venuefilter = "AND eventVenue='" . $venue . "'";
$venueselect .= "<option value="All" " . $all . ">All Venues</option>";

while($venuearray = mysql_fetch_array($venueList)){
if($venuearray["eventVenue"] != "") {
$selected = "";
if($venuearray["eventVenue"] == $venue) {
$selected = "selected";
$venueselect .= "<option value="" . $venuearray["eventVenue"] . "" " . $selected . ">" . $venuearray["eventVenue"] . "</option>";
$venueselect .= "</select>";
#if($numtypes < 2) {
# $venueselect = "";

$dow = "";
if ($_GET['dow'] <> "") {
$dow = $_GET['dow'];
if ($_POST['dow'] <> "") {
$dow = $_POST['dow'];
if ($dow == 7) {
$dow = "";

$dayselect = "<select name="dow" style="width:110px;">";
if ($dow == "") {
$selected = "selected";
} else {
$selected = "";
$dayselect .= "<option value="7" " . $selected . ">All Days</option>";
if ($dow == 1) {
$selected = "selected";
} else {
$selected = "";
$dayselect .= "<option value="1" " . $selected . ">Monday</option>";
if ($dow == 2) {
$selected = "selected";
} else {
$selected = "";
$dayselect .= "<option value="2" " . $selected . ">Tuesday</option>";
if ($dow == 3) {
$selected = "selected";
} else {
$selected = "";
$dayselect .= "<option value="3" " . $selected . ">Wednesday</option>";
if ($dow == 4) {
$selected = "selected";
} else {
$selected = "";
$dayselect .= "<option value="4" " . $selected . ">Thursday</option>";
if ($dow == 5) {
$selected = "selected";
} else {
$selected = "";
$dayselect .= "<option value="5" " . $selected . ">Friday</option>";
if ($dow == 6) {
$selected = "selected";
} else {
$selected = "";
$dayselect .= "<option value="6" " . $selected . ">Saturday</option>";
if ($dow == "0") {
$selected = "selected";
} else {
$selected = "";
$dayselect .= "<option value="0" " . $selected . ">Sunday</option>";
$dayselect .= "</select>";

if ($dow <> "") {
$day_where = " and (DATE_FORMAT(eventDate,'%w') = '$dow' or DATE_FORMAT(eventDateEnd,'%w') = '$dow')";
} else {
$day_where = "";

# keyword filter
$keyword = "";
if ($_POST['keyword'] <> "Enter Keyword(s)" and $_POST['keyword'] <> "") {
$keyword = $_POST['keyword'];
$keywordfilter = " and (eventTitle like '%$keyword%' or eventDescription like '%$keyword%')";
} else {
$keyword = "Enter Keyword(s)";
$keywordfilter = "";

$keywordbox = "<input type=text name=keyword id=keyword value='$keyword' class='subnav' size=20px onfocus="this.value='';">";

$countQuery = "select * from eventcal_events where userSubmitted = '0' $wheredate $day_where $typefilter $venuefilter $locationfilter $keywordfilter";
$countList = mysql_query($countQuery) or die(mysql_error());
$record_count = mysql_num_rows($countList);

list($eventsperpage) = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT value FROM eventcal_settings WHERE variable='events_per_page'")) or die(mysql_error());

if($eventsperpage == "All"){
$limit = "";
$eventsperpage = $record_count;
} else {
$limit = "limit " . $start . ", " . ($eventsperpage + 1);

list($sort) = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT value FROM eventcal_settings WHERE variable='sort'"));
if ($sort == "date") {
$order_it = "eventDate, eventTitle";
} else {
$order_it = "eventTitle";

$eventQuery = "select * from eventcal_events where userSubmitted = '0' $wheredate $day_where $typefilter $venuefilter $locationfilter $keywordfilter order by $order_it " . $limit;
# echo $eventQuery . "
$eventList = mysql_query($eventQuery) or die(mysql_error());
$row_count = mysql_num_rows($eventList);

if ($record_count > 0) {
$navigate = "Events " . ($start + 1) . " - ";
if ($row_count > $eventsperpage) {
$navigate .= ($start + $eventsperpage);
} else {
$navigate .= ($start + $row_count);
$navigate .= " of " . $record_count;

if ($start > 0) {
$navigate = "<a href=?month=$month&year=$year&start=" . ($start - $eventsperpage) . ">< Prev</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $navigate;
if (($start + $eventsperpage) < $record_count) {
$navigate .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=?month=$month&year=$year&start=" . ($start + $eventsperpage) . ">Next ></a>";
} else {
$navigate = "There are no events to display.";
This is the html on the page:

Code: [Select]# filter settings
$fil_query = "select variable, value from eventcal_settings where variable like 'filter_%'";
$fil_rs = mysql_query($fil_query);
$filters = array();
$col_ct = 0;
while ($fil_row = mysql_fetch_array($fil_rs)) {
$filters[$fil_row['variable']] = $fil_row['value'];
if ($fil_row['value'] == "Y") {
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<form name="s2" method="post" action="">
<tr><td colspan="<?=$col_ct ?>" align="right" class="subnav">
<p align="left"><strong>Filter Events by</strong>:&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr valign="top">
<? if($filters['filter_cat'] == "Y") { ?>
<td align="left" class="subnav"><?=$typeselect ?></td>
<? } ?>
<? if($filters['filter_loc'] == "Y") { ?>
<td align="left" class="subnav"><?=$locationselect ?></td>
<? } ?>
<? if($filters['filter_ven'] == "Y") { ?>
<td align="left" class="subnav"><?=$venueselect ?></td>
<? } ?>
<? if ($col_ct > 3) { ?></tr><tr><? } ?>
<? if($filters['filter_day'] == "Y") { ?>
<td align="left" class="subnav"><?=$dayselect ?></td>
<? } ?>
<? if($filters['filter_month'] == "Y") { ?>
<td align="left" class="subnav"><?=$monthselect ?></td>
<? } ?>
<? if($filters['filter_keyword'] == "Y") { ?>
<td align="left" class="subnav"><?=$keywordbox ?></td>
<? } ?>
<tr><td colspan="<?=$col_ct ?>"><input type=submit value="Go"></td></tr>

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