Why is the logic of this simple code not working?

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hey, I'm trying to determine if a table already exists in mysql, but doing a query first with mysql_query, then checking $sql as if it a were TRUE of FALSE. Which I though it would be. My Code always skips to the }else{ statment after the If(). What is wrong, How I do this?
I could of sworn I've wrote other scripts using this and it works.


//Check first if it exists
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT var FROM fake WHERE token='{$token}'");

if( ! $sql){
// Does not exist! Create it.
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO fake (var,token) VALUES('$var','$token')") ;

} else {
//It exists, Update it.

$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE fake SET var='{$var}' WHERE token='{$token}'") ;



echo $sql; prints out, Resource id #11 or something.. Doesn't seem to say false or true....

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