Corona: Dr. Paul said - The worst phase of the epidemic has passed, it is not right to say that, the answer was given on children's vaccine too

Posted on 18th Oct 2021 by rohit kumar

Chief of the Central Government's Covid Task Force, Dr. VK Paul said that the government has to take the final decision regarding the vaccination of children below the age of 18 years. A vaccine will be approved only after the advice of scientists and the system of supply has been confirmed.

Dr. Paul said that it is a good thing that new cases of corona are continuing to decline, but it does not mean that corona is over. There are examples in many countries, where even after more vaccination, more than two waves of corona have come.

Will Zydus get approved in India?

Some countries of the world have approved Zydus Cadila for emergency use to vaccinate children aged 12 to 18 years. Could this be India's first vaccine for children? In response to this question, Dr. Paul said, 'We do not know that some countries have started vaccination for children. We will take a final call only after looking at the scientific results and supply position.

He further said that 'Covaxin played an important role in the vaccination program of elders. If it is approved for children, we will first decide the requirement. With the balance of product and supply, we will start the vaccination program for children. Therefore, it is not possible to give any time frame as to when the vaccination of children will be started.

Less danger to children, but more to others

Dr. Paul said, 'Children are part of the transmission chain of Corona. There is a risk of spreading the infection to more people than these. However, the symptoms of corona in children are very few and are asymptomatic.

Is the bad phase of Corona over?

Dr. Paul said, 'The figures are decreasing, but it does not mean that the corona is completely over. This is because we have seen many countries where even after the second wave, the situation is becoming dire. The situation is even worse in those countries where vaccination has been more. The festive season is going on here right now. At this time a large crowd of people is gathering. Therefore, the possibility of spreading corona is much higher. We have to keep a watch on all these circumstances.

Is there a shortage of syringes in the country?

According to some reports, there is a severe shortage of syringes in India. Even if every citizen of the country does not have enough syringes to administer a single dose of the vaccine. Responding to this question, Dr. Paul said, 'There is no dearth of syringes in the country. We have enough syringes available here.

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