Trump tightened on racial violence, showed fear of harsh act of 1807, know what is this act

Posted on 2nd Jun 2020 by rohit kumar

Washington, Agency. President Donald Trump has indicated the use of the military to deal with protesters amidst ongoing racial violence in the US. He said that he is implementing 1807 law for the deployment of the army across the country for an early solution to this problem. President Trump said during a press conference that I am taking a decisive action to protect the capital Washington. He said that to prevent this barbaric attack and to protect the country's assets, he will deploy troops with thousands of armed forces in Washington.


What is the act of 1807


This act of America gives special powers to the American President. Under the Revolt Act of 1807, the President may allow military action in American cities during protests in the country. Can deploy army in the country.

The act was signed into law by Thomas Jefferson and was last enacted in 1992 during the Rodney King riots.

The Posit Comitus Act of 1878 stipulates that the federal government cannot use the military as an active police force within the borders of the US, but its power is disputed under this circumstance.

"The president can use the military exclusively in Washington and the Posit Comitas Act does not prevent this," says Dan Lamothe, quoting The Washington Post.

Strict warning of Trump, no permission to break the law


He said as President of the country, my first and highest duty is to protect this great country and American citizens and protect them from crisis. I have taken an oath to uphold the laws of our nation and I will do there. He said that we are warning everyone. We cannot allow a mob to commit violence. Trump further stated that he strongly recommended deploying a sufficient number of national guards. The President said that the curfew will be strictly enforced. Trump said those who are a threat to innocent lives and destroy property will be arrested. They will be detained. Legal action will be taken against them. Trump insisted that mayors and governors in states should establish law and order until the violence was abolished.


The situation deteriorated in the country, Trump took refuge in the bunker


On Monday, President Trump remained in the White House bunker for nearly an hour, including the Trump family, in view of the fiery tone of the protesters. Curfew has been imposed in more than 40 cities of the country, including the capital Washington DC, in view of the violence and sabotage by protesters. All government buildings in Virginia and California have been ordered to be closed until Monday. To control the situation, five thousand National Guard personnel are deployed in 15 cities. Two thousand additional personnel have been kept on alert. Police also released tear gas shells to disperse the protesters. More than four thousand people have been arrested for spreading violence across the country. So far, five people have died and dozens of security officers have been injured in violent incidents across the country.

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