A Few Questions

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hi, I want to ask a few questions that I can't seem to find..

1) I'm creating a "shortcut" system on my website, where users can add shortcuts from pages by clicking the link and it will write the URL and the users ID into the database, the only problem I don't know how PHP can grab the URL of the page?

2) I can't seem to get cookies working on my site:

Code: //get the posted values

$abc = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email='".$email1."'") or die(mysql_error());
$a = mysql_fetch_array($abc);

//Select whatever..
$sql="SELECT user_id, email, password FROM accounts WHERE email='".$email."'";

$userid = $a['user_id'];
$displayname = $a['display_name'];


//if username exists
//compare the password
echo "yes";
if($post_autologin == YES)
$password_hash = sha1($pass); // will result in a 32 characters hash

setcookie ($cookie_name, 'usr='.$email.'&hash='.$pass, time() + $cookie_time);

echo "no";
echo "no"; //Invalid Login

Is this correct? Its a Ajax login I found but when I check the checkbox and close the browser it logs me out.. I use $_SESSION['user_id] in places where I want stuff to show for logged in users, where do I put $_COOKIE['user_id']???

http://mymediaupload.com/media.php?v=130 if you look on this page and click "More by Cheryl Cole" it shows the current song, how would I get it to view the rest of the songs by that artist and not the one thats playing?

This is what I have..

Code: if($_GET['morelikethis'])
$name2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['morelikethis']);
$s = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM music WHERE musicartist LIKE '".$name2."%' ORDER BY `musicartist` ASC LIMIT 0,6") or die(mysql_error());
$t = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM music WHERE musicartist LIKE '".$name2."%' ORDER BY `musicartist` ASC") or die(mysql_error());
$u = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM music WHERE musicartist LIKE '".$name2."%' ORDER BY `musicartist` ASC LIMIT 1,5") or die(mysql_error());
$len = 19;

while($x = mysql_fetch_array($s))
$q3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE user_id = ".$x['musicuploaderid']."") or die(mysql_error());
$q4 = mysql_fetch_array($q3);
echo "<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="40"><img src="".$x['musicalbumart']."" height="40" width="40"></td><td width="5"></td>";
echo "<td align="left" valign="top"><a target="_top" title="".$x['musictitle']." - ".$x['musicartist']."" href="media.php?v=".$x['musicid']."">";
echo (strlen($x['musictitle']) > $len ? substr($x['musictitle'], 0, $len).".." : $x['musictitle']);
echo "
echo (strlen($x['musicartist']) > $len ? substr($x['musicartist'], 0, $len).".." : $x['musicartist']);
echo "</a>
<a target="_top" title="Click here to go to ".$q4['display_name']."'s Station" href="stations.php?s=".$q4['user_id']."">".$q4['display_name']."</a>";
echo "</div></td>
echo "
<hr noshade color="#c0c0c0">

echo "<div id="content">There is no results</div>";

echo "<table width="90%" align="center"><tr><td><div id="sub4">More..</div></td></tr></table>";

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