I am checking for delimiter (.!?) and if there is a " after a sentence then it should neglect a
Need help making login verification cleaner...
I use the below to verify user login. I first check the cookie for the id, ip and a unique id. If it
Customizing message/behavior
Hi,I'm using the ASP.NET membership/authorization controls in my application. Some parts of my appli
word wrap in emails help needed
Hello, I understand how wordwrap works in php and have used it well before. However when I used wor
Bit manipulation program with binary operations
My homework is to create a program to scan in and add binary numbers and print them like so
compile php5 with DOM
I can't manage to compile php 5.3.0 from source on Windows to include DOM,
in spite of
Prevention Help
How can I use PHP or any other language (feel free to move this thread) to prevent users doing scree
Website Direction...
I recently used this code to try and make it so the page loads as when you ty
Checking if variable is 0 as opposed to NULL/Empty...
I'm trying to write some code that will retrieve a user's access level from my database and if it do
form class help (oop php5)
Hidy Ho Neighbors,
I'm forcing myself to learn oop/classes for php5. It seems like a good id