controlling/creating accounts with privileges

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

hi all,
i'm trying to figure out how i can create/control account with privileges, for instance an Administrator creates an account but gives it guest privileges (able to see data but not edit, or delete it, not able to create users).

when a user logs in, i store his/her privileges is a session.
Code: $_SESSION['staff_privilege'] = $found_user['privilege'];
i wrote this function to check for privileges and placed it in the create user page. (1 = admin, 2 = guest)
Code: function get_privilege() {
if (logged_in() && isset($_SESSION['staff_privilege'])) {
if ($_SESSION['staff_privilege'] == 2) {
} else {

for instance if a user with guest privileges goes to create user page, he/she will get redirect to another page showing a message.

the above code is working, but i'm wanted other ideas about how this could be accomplished in another way

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