Exporting new records

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Trying to figure out the best way to set this up.

People register my site.

Their profile has the date they registered.

I've got another table called 'markets' which has some information that is specific to various cities that the people who register are in.

One of the columns in markets is a toggle to determine whether that market should be exported

ie: Austin - export: 1
Boston -export: 0

My goal is to grab all of the new profiles for all markets where export = 1

I added a datetime field to the markets table.

I'm confused how to proceed however though

I was originally thinking grab the datetime from markets and select the stuff that is newer than that, then remembered I am dealing with more than 1 market.

Then I thought 'well just have a table that stores the last export date and select the newer stuff than that' but I wasn't sure if that would work either.


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