Feed Maker

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 07:03 pm by admin

Hi all.
First of all I must say I am not a php developer so I am afraid I don't know much about it.

I am using the bloging software on my site called Super Simple Blog. This software includes a file called feed_maker.php which I have posted below:



This class is used for generating an RSS


class GenerateFeed{

var $websiteRoot;
var $pageTitle;
var $rssDesc;
var $rssLink;
var $rssFileName;
var $blogPageName;

function makeFeed($table, $webroot, $title, $desc, $link, $rssfile){

$this->TABLENAME = $table;
$this->websiteRoot = $webroot;
$this->pageTitle = $title;
$this->rssDesc = $desc;
$this->rssLink = $link;
$this->rssFileName = $rssfile;

//empty array which will be pushed all of the
//possible images for the home page.
//These are displayed when the page loads.
$spl = array();

// Query the database.
$query = "SELECT * FROM $this->TABLENAME ORDER BY uid DESC";
$result = mysql_query ($query);

//init a counter
$i = 0;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

$spl[$i] = $row;

$ima = split(", ", $row['image']); //build array out of images list
$com = nl2br($row['comment']);

//if there is more than 1 image per entry
for($h=0; $h<count($ima); $h++){
$j = $h+1;
if($imagesPerEntry != 1){
if(substr($ima[$h],-4) != '.pdf'){ //filter out PDFs
$com = str_replace("[$j]", "<img src="$this->websiteRoot/blogImages/$ima[$h]" />", $com);

if($imagesPerEntry == 1){
if(!empty($ima[$h])) {
if(substr($ima[$h],-4) != '.pdf'){ //filter out PDFs
$com = str_replace("[$j]", "<img src="$this->websiteRoot/blogImages/$ima[$h]" />", $com);
//output the database
//each row will be 1 item
$addBlock .= "nn<item>

// Write the three blocks to file
//this is the file that we are writing
$fileT = $this->rssFileName;
$fileT = fopen($fileT, "w");

//start off every feed with this
$startBlock = <<<EOR
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0">

//end every feed with this
$endBlock = "</channel>nn</rss>";

fwrite($fileT, $startBlock);

fwrite($fileT, $addBlock);

fwrite($fileT, $endBlock);


//end of method
//end of class


This file creates an rss feed from my blog.
My question is; would it be possible to add some code to this file which would give each item in the feed its own time and date stamp, for example;
Code: <pubDate>Fri, 15 Jan 2010 12:00:00 +0000</pubDate>

I can't find any support for this feed_maker.php file so that is why I have come here.

Thanks in advance

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