how do i display data on a page from mysql

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

1 - do i use this code at the top of each of my page i wish to only alow access if there as been a session
Code: <?php
include_once 'Connect.php';
if (!is_authed())
die ('You are not permitted to view this page, <a href="index.php">click here</a> to go back.');

connect.php i use to conect to database this also does a included to functions.php

this is part of my functions.php
Code: function user_login($username, $password)
// Now encrypt the data to be stored in the session
$encrypted_id = md5($user['id']);
$encrypted_name = md5($user['username']);

// Store the data in the session
$_SESSION['id'] = $id;
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
$_SESSION['encrypted_id'] = $encrypted_id;
$_SESSION['encrypted_name'] = $encrypted_name;

function is_authed()
// Check if the encrypted username is the same
// as the unencrypted one, if it is, it hasn't been changed
if (isset($_SESSION['username']) && (md5($_SESSION['username']) == $_SESSION['encrypted_name']))
return true;
return false;

lastly if i want do display info from the database where it matches the session being used
What code would if any would i use to compliment the code in the first question and what code would i enter into the table below
Code: <html>
<td>feild1 from database here</td>
<td>feild2 from database here</td>
<td>feild3 from database here</td>

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