Links not updating

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I'm trying to fuel a simple navigation system for a news section. It works fine when it comes to retrieving and displaying data, but if I click on a valid link in the following code, the content and links do not update like they should. All hrefs stay the same and the content does not change. Why is this?

Code: [Select]require('../scripts/chron.php');

$con = openConnect();

// Get current entry ID, using -1 to mark an unavailable param.
$entry = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? $_GET['id'] : -1;

// Query table for vital entry info
$type = 'news';
$count = getEntryCount($type);

// Go to latest entry if param is unavailable.
if ( $entry = -1 ) $entry = $count;

// Build links for navigation
$first = $entry<=1 ? 'undef' : 0;
$prev = $entry<=1 ? 'undef' : $entry-1;
$next = $entry < $count ? $entry+1 : 'undef';
$last = $entry < $count ? $count : 'undef';

echo '<div class="newsLinks"><p>';
echo ($first != 'undef') ? ('<a href="index.php?id='.$first.'">First</a> - ') : ('First - ');
echo ($prev != 'undef') ? ('<a href="index.php?id='.$prev.'">Previous</a> - ') : ('Previous - ');
echo ($next != 'undef') ? ('<a href="index.php?id='.$next.'">Next</a> - ') : ('Next - ');
echo ($last != 'undef') ? ('<a href="index.php?id='.$last.'">Last</a>') : ('Last');
echo '</p></div>';

$row = getEntryRow($type,$entry);

// Display entry
echo '<h1 class="centerHead" id="Title">' . $row['title'] . '</h1>';
echo '<h3 class="centerHead" id="DatePosted">' . $row['datePosted']. '</h3>';
echo '<div class="newsBody" id="CurrentContent">' . $row['content'] . '</div>';

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