noob cURL help

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I have a pretty basic form that I need to cURL post to a file in my includes folder (includes/ I have never used cURL and cant find any good tutorials online so you guys are my last resort here is the syntax for my very basic form:
Code: [Select]<form action='' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-datax'>
<input name='username' type='text' value='username' id='textinput_login' />
<input name='password' type='password' id='textinput_login' />
<select name='program' id='ssl_login'>
<option value='type3'>Choose Plan</option>";
if (mysql_num_rows($result_ssl) > 0)
echo"<option value='$row_ssl->id'>$row_ssl->product</option>";}
<input name='login' class='btn' type='submit' value='LOGIN' />
Do I need to include the file that I am going to cURL post to? i.e. include_once (''); , or do I need more php code to send the form values to my include?

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