Select question

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin


First I would like to say that php is pretty new for me..
so please don't shoot me if this should be a stupid question!

But I'm a little surpized due to following..

I have a search script (very large mysql db) which is working pretty fast for searching!
I'm using following querry:
Code: $q="SELECT `url`,`caption`, `type`,`fsize`, MATCH (caption) AGAINST ('$kwd2') as score,`source`, `lastcheck`, `dateadded`, `desc`, `media`, `filename`, `sname`, `rating`, `stream`, `id` FROM `v2links` WHERE MATCH (caption) AGAINST ('$kwd2')$stype $fxtype $fxmedia $fsort LIMIT $start,$search_count";sample:

Now I would like to display the 30 latest records using following querry:
Code: $q="SELECT `url`,`caption`, `type`, `id`,`fsize`,`source`, `lastcheck`, `dateadded`, `desc`, `media`, `filename`, `sname`, `rating`, `stream`, `id` FROM `v2links` Where checked=1 $stype $fxtype $fxmedia $fsort LIMIT 30";sample:

Now it seems to take much more time (3x) to display the last 30 records then when using the searchbox and enter a keyword...

I thought a simple select should be going faster then match against a keyword?
Is there an explenation for this or am I missing something?


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