validating url

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

im trying to validate url's sent to me by a form
the url's im collecting are for placing banners on my site
so the url's are the link to there site and url of where there banner is


Code: if(!preg_match("/^http://www.[a-z0-9-].[a-z]{2,3}[a-z0-9/.] $/i", $_POST[url]))
This checks the form feild url
1) make sure http://www. is present (i dont see why it should be any different for the purpose of my use)
i wll be placing a warning on my form page that the urls must contains this

2) Then my code checks it consists of only letters,numbers,dashes/hythens i read these are the only characters a domain name can be
also they must start with a letter or number so how do i make that possible?

3) the next part makes sure theres a .
4) the next part makes sure it consists of only letter of 2-3 characters long
this only alows things such as .com or .ru
How do i alow multiple for example
5) i then want to make the rest optional but to alow
letter/numbers/for directories . for start of ext

can anyone help me tweak my code to satisfy my needs but to be as strict as possible.

also knowing what my code is going to be checking is there any genuine urls that the code would refuse
or is there anything i need to know

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