Britain took steps after Black Lives Matter: Children will read lessons related to the contribution of blacks in a British school, a debate broke out about it

Posted on 30th May 2022 by rohit kumar

The 'Black Lives Matter movement started in America about two years ago to end apartheid. Research revealed that the new generation is not even aware of the atrocities committed against blacks. So now the UK government has taken a decision. Under this, lessons will be added about the contribution of blacks in history books in schools for children aged 5 to 14.


The atrocities of the white rulers during the colonial period, including the enslavement and horse-trading of blacks, will be included in the course books. In Britain, it has been named Model Curriculum. Its purpose is to change the attitude towards blacks in the coming generation. Also included will be the stories of black leaders who have contributed to Britain's development.


the debate over a new model


Along with this, a new debate has also started in Britain. Some educational institutions say that implementing the new course will not be so easy. One reason for this is also that the children have bought the history books of the old course. At the same time, many people are not even ready to accept the change in the history books.


He says that other measures should be taken to create sympathy for blacks because it cannot be assumed that people's attitudes towards blacks will change in the coming generation only by reading history.


There are also challenges in implementing this change.


Some time ago many schools in Britain expressed reluctance to implement this new model curriculum of the government. Private schools are not doing this. Britain's School Education Minister Robin Walker says that the implementation of the new curriculum has not been made mandatory.


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