A problem with my GD class

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin


I created a nice (and simple for now) GD class.
The problem is , it works great on wamp, but not in my hostgator acount ( Linux )i tried it on byethost
and it didnt worked as well.

I am posting the class :

Code: <?php

* Created by Eliad Moshe.
* Oranit 5,
* Israel.
* email: eliad154@Gmail.com

class GD
{ // start of class GD

public $image_pointer , $color_pointer ;

function __construct ( $image_width, $image_height )
{ // start of function __construct ()

$this->image_pointer = imagecreatetruecolor ($image_width, $image_height);

} // end of function __construct ()

function set_color ( $color )
{ // start of function set_color ()

$color = substr( $color, 1 , 6 ); // get rid of "#"
$color = str_split( $color , 2 ); // make 3 chanks of 2 chars.

/* Red Green Blue */
$this->color_pointer = imagecolorallocate ( $this->image_pointer , "0x".$color[0] , "0x".$color[1] , "0x".$color[2] ) ;
} // end offunction set_color ()

function fill ($fill_x = 0 , $fill_y = 0)
imagefill ( $this->image_pointer , $fill_x, $fill_y , $this->color_pointer );

function add_string ( $text , $font_type , $location_x = 0 , $location_y = 0 , $method = 'h' )
{ // start of function function add_string ( )

if ($method == 'h')
imagestring ($this->image_pointer , $font_type, $location_x , $location_y, $text, $this->color_pointer );
else if ($method == 'v' )
imagestringup ($this->image_pointer , $font_type, $location_x , $location_y, $text, $this->color_pointer );

} // end offunction function add_string ( )

function add_ttstring ()
{ // start of function add_tstring ()

} // end of function add_tstring ()

// first and last

function set_line( $f_x , $f_y , $l_x , $l_y )
{ // start of function set_line()

imageline($this->image_pointer ,$f_x , $f_y , $l_x , $l_y , $this->color_pointer );

} // end of function set_line()

// first and last

function rect( $x , $y , $width , $height , $type = "fill" )
{ // start of function rect()

if ( $type == "fill" )
imagefilledrectangle($this->image_pointer ,$x , $y , $x + $width , $y + $height , $this->color_pointer );
else if ( $type == "border" )
imagerectangle($this->image_pointer ,$x , $y , $x + $width , $y + $height , $this->color_pointer );

} // end of function rect()

function create_image ($method = 'jpeg' , $create_file = NULL , $quality = 100 )
{ // start of function create_image ()

if ( $create_file != NULL )
{ // set the file name
$create_file = $create_file.".".$method ;

if ( $method == 'png' )
header ('Content-type: image/png');
header ('Content-Disposition: inline; filename = "myfile.png"');
imagepng ($this->image_pointer , $create_file , $quality );
else if ( $method == 'jpeg' )
header ('Content-type: image/jpeg');
header ('Content-Disposition: inline; filename = "myfile.jpeg"');
imagejpeg ($this->image_pointer , $create_file , $quality );

imagedestroy ($this->image_pointer);
} // end of function create_image ()

} // end of class GD


example of use:

Code: <?php
// /public_html/emp/
include ('GD.php');

$object = new GD (400,400);
$object->set_color ("#976686");
$object->fill ();

$object->set_color ("#999999");



In wamp the picture is ok how ever on the remote servers it is black.

Thanks for the help

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