Database 'Validation'

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to validate the password entered by the user with the password in the database. I've worked out that it checks the username fine (if the username doesn't exist it displays an error), however when it tries to validate the password with the mysql password it never works. The working 'example' is at;and this is the PHP (note base.php contains the database information and header.php, navigation.php and footer.php and all front-end). I'm planning on adding html entities and preventing SQL injection once this works. Username: Test - Password: password89 (md5 c1c2434f064da663997b1a2a233bf9f6)
Code: <?php
include("base.php"); //Include MySQL connection

$username = $_POST['username']; //Connect form username with strings
$password = $_POST['password']; //Connect form password with strings

$salt = "xia8u28jd0ajgfa"; //Define the salt string
$salt2 = "oqipoaks42duaiu"; //Define the second salt string
$password = md5($salt.$password.$salt2); //Encrypt the password

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username = '".$username."'"); //Open the members table
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { //Convert the members table into an array

if ( $username != $row['username'] ) { //If user entered username doesn't equal the database username
include("header.php"); //Print the message
echo "Invalid username or password!";
else {
$username = $username_new;
$password = $password_new;

if ( $row['password'] == $password_new ) { //Validate username and password
setcookie('c_username', $username_new, time()+6000); //Set the username cookie
setcookie('c_password', $password_new, time()+6000); //Set the cookie
header("Location:index.php"); //Redirect to home page
} else {
include("header.php"); //Print the message
echo "<div class="content"><p>Invalid username or password!<p></div>";
} } }

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