Getting Resource id #11 while trying to connect..

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

So i tried using "DEFINE" for the first time and im using the variables i defined to connect but it reports back this error:

QuoteWarning: mysql_query(): 11 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/content/p/p/f/ppffffpp/html/ on line 25
Can anyone look at the function and find out why this is?

Code: (php) [Select]<?php

function nc_save_content ($name, $data)

$nc_db_link = mysql_connect(NC_DB_HOST, NC_DB_USER, NC_DB_PASSWORD);
$nc_db_link = nc_db_link($nc_db_link, NC_DB_DATABASE);

while($x != 0){
nc_check_content($name.$x, "Edit Me History" . $x);//line 9-14 making sure the history exists (if not creates it)[function is internal]

//Now start backwards and work from 2-0 moving files for history
while($x != 0){
$temp2 = $name.$x;
$get = "SELECT content FROM " .NC_DB_PREFIX."content WHERE name ='".$temp2."'";
$res = mysql_query($get,$nc_db_link) or die (mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);

$temp = $x + 1;
$insert = "UPDATE ".NC_DB_PREFIX."content SET content='".$row['content']."' WHERE name='".$name.$temp."'";
$res2 = mysql_query($insert,$nc_db_link) or die (mysql_error());

//one last thing move the current entry to 1 before we overwrite it!!!
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT content FROM " .NC_DB_PREFIX."content WHERE name ='".$name."'",$nc_db_link) or die (mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);

$insert = mysql_query ("UPDATE ".NC_DB_PREFIX."content SET content='".$row['content']."' WHERE name='".$name."1"."'",$nc_db_link) or die (mysql_error());

nc_check_content ($name, "Edit Me!"); // Make sure database entry exists
$nc_db_result = mysql_query("UPDATE ".NC_DB_PREFIX."content SET content='".nc_db_escape($data)."' WHERE name='".$name."'", $nc_db_link);

if(!$nc_db_result) // Check for query errors
nc_report_error("MySQL reported: ".mysql_error());

mysql_close($nc_db_link); // Close connection

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