How to use php and sql to check if values match the ones in a table (for logins)

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

How would I code it that the script takes two variables that are passed to it (UserID and PIN), and checks the table to see if the PIN matches the one in the table. If it does it should assign the value "1" to a variable, if not a value "2".

This variable should then be passed back to the original calling script. (In a different PHP file).

What I have so far is:
$ID = $_SERVER["argv"][1];
$ID = trim($ID);
$ID = ltrim($ID);

$PIN = $_SERVER["argv"][2];
$PIN = trim($STATUS);
$PIN = ltrim($STATUS);

$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "passw0rd")
or die("Data base connection failed");
or die("data base open failed");

I dont know the sql command to compare if the value passed on matches the current record.


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