Table Control

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hi Guru's,

I've created a Module pool program, which contains the Table Control.

In my table control we are keeping the F4 Functionality for 1 particular column. (Based on the location i need to show the Bin Values).
Suppose the first row contains the Location Value as "YARD", i need to show the YARD's BIN values in the first row.

In the 2nd row, Location is 'PORT', i need to show the PORT's BIN Values.

For that we are using FM - VRM_SET_VALUES and an internal table to hold the values.
Here my question is when i click on the First row, the cell is getting the values based on the other cell's value (Location) of the Row.
If i click on the cell of 2nd row , the First row values and the 2nd row values are getting same.

in the table control, if i click on the 2nd row directly, with out clicking on the first row, in both rows it is showing the same values irrespective of Location Value,
How to resolve this??
Hope the explanation is clear.

Thanks in advance.


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