webpage with (simple) login & mysql-db

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hi all,

What I was looking for before was a multi-user password manager, web-based! The offer of free or cheap tools of this kind is very pover. Or they are too complex (or too expensive)
I'm not -really- a web programmer but I now decided to set up a (php) website with login and based on this login people can see various passwords.
Maybe the best option is to save all the users+their passwords and the actual passwords in a mysql database and the users can be divided in groups (like programmers, mgnt, admins,...) Based on their group users are redirected to a specific webpage, like mgnt_passwords.php etc...
I would be very pleased if someone could provide me the code for this. This can be very standard code with somehow the same functionality.
What I already have is a container with apache2, php5, mysql installed and an empty mysql database.


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