Why is this function returning a false value when it shouldn't be??

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

This is in an include file. I want it to check a value in an html form and see if it's just white space, is numbers, is empty etc.

Code: (text) [Select]<?php
function checkString($stringFieldName,$_GET){
$output="n<p> ";
//trim any whitespace from values
//check if string value is empty
$output.="nYou haven't entered any data in string<br />";
$output.="You have entered a number instead of text";
//if they have deleted values from url
$output.="nYou have deleted the characters from the urln";
echo $output."n</p>";
I am using it in a php file, the code is here:
Code: (text) [Select]
echo "n<p>";
include 'validateText&Number.inc';
if ($validate==false){
echo "nYou did not enter the name correctly.";
{When I type in actual text it tells me I have not entered name correctly which therefore means $validate must be false. I don't know how though it can be set to false because if the field just contains text, it isn't satisfying any of the conditions that lead to $validate=false.

Please help!! Oh I'm a php newbie btw

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