Big accident: debris of SpaceX rocket fell in the field, launched on March 4

Posted on 6th Apr 2021 by rohit kumar

Last month, the SpaceX rocket, abandoned from the US, succumbed to the accident. A large part of the rocket fell into a farm in Washington. However, no one was killed during this period. The team of scientists, who arrived at the information of the police, recovered a large part of the rocket from the field. This accident has occurred due to technical disturbances. The piece of SpaceX's Falcon-9 rocket that fell on April 2 in Grant County, Washington, is known as the Composite Overrapped Prison Vessel. The Falcon-9 is the front of the rocket's second stage. The rocket was launched from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, US on March 4.



..That would have been a huge loss


The Grant County Sheriff Office tweeted that last week Elon Musk's company Falcon Rocket's COPV was recovered from private property. We have handed over the rocket debris to SpaceX scientists. The Grant County Sheriff's Office wrote on Twitter that the name of the man in whose field the debris fell will not be revealed. His privacy cannot be dissolved. Wrote further that a large number of people live near where the debris fell. If the direction of the rocket was a little too much, then a lot of people could have been harmed.



Accident caused due to technical disturbances


After the rocket accident, SpaceX stated that the second stage of the Falcon-9 rocket did not deorbit well, so it wandered into space for several days. Gradually, the gravitational force of the Earth kept coming. It acts as a booster between the satellite bus and the first part. Let me tell you that the first stage of the Falcon-9 rocket automatically lands back on the earth at a certain time after launch. The SpaceX company would then repair this part and prepare it for the next mission. While the case of the second stage is different. Either they are destroyed in space after the work is over. Or left to swim in the earth's orbit there

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