Using the $_GET variable to view certain records

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin


First let me explain my problem, I have 2 pages the first page pull a list of Guide titles from a database for example if i had a guide called "Install windows" it would be pulled from the database with a link next to the guide called "read this Guide" now that works fine.

the problem that i am having is when a user clicks the "Read this guide" it will goto the next page and pull the content from the database that releates to the guide. however nothing is being displayed on the next page. My code is shown below for the 2 pages and my database structure.

Guides.php (1st page)
Code: <?php

* @author Joe Moore
* @copyright 2010

//Include the database connection details, to allow us to communicate with the database
include 'dbcon.php';

echo '<p> Here are all the articles in the database </p>';

$result = @mysql_query('SELECT guidetitle, id FROM guides');

if (!$result)
exit('<p>Error performing query: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');

// Display the text of each guide in a paragraph
//with a "Delete this Guide" link next to each
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$id = $row['id'];
$guidetitle = $row['guidetitle'];
echo "<p>$guidetitle " .
"<a href=read.php?id=$id>Read this guide</a></p>";


read.php (2nd page)
Code: <?php

* @author Joe Moore
* @copyright 2010
<h1>Welcome <?php // echo $_SESSION['SESS_FIRST_NAME'];?></h1>
//Include the database connection details, to allow us to communicate with the database
include 'dbcon.php';

$id = $_GET['id'];

$guide = mysql_query("SELECT guidetext, id FROM guides WHERE id='$id'");

if (!$guide)
exit('<p>Error Fetching Guide Details: ' .
mysql_error() . '</p>');

$guide = mysql_fetch_array($guide);
my database structure (table)

id guidetext guidedate guidetitle author
1 This is sample text and will be updated accordinly 2010-01-08 Secure Passwords 1
2 this guide will talk abut web servers and how to i... 2010-01-08 Install web servers on windows 1
3 this guide will talk about password storage 2010-01-08 How to secure passwords 2 1
5 HOW TO INSTALL LITESPEED ON LINUX 2010-01-09 Litespeed webserver 1


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