To feel that sense of comfort
That you felt in times gone by.
To hug someone with all your might,
To laugh until you cry.
To escape to all those memories,
Those moments that you shared.
To feel each strong emotion,
As if you were right there.
To remember all those special friends
Who has long since passed away?
To share regrets you each possess
And haunt you still today.
To feel that love that makes you whole
And finally, find yourself again.
No, there's nothing better in this life,
Then being with a long-lost friend!
Feels like a lifetime ago
that I loved like that.
Wanting more
and more a
A million stars up in the sky.
One shines brighter - I can't deny.
A love so prec
The Terrifying Thing About Love
It is a terrifying thing
to watch love
walk in your direction
when you be
So I guess I could lie and say I tried,
But the truth I can't deny,
I loved you,
A good friend is someone
who cares about you.
They are someone who will be
<A walk to remember
I wish to have with you.
By the seashore,
In the breez
We didn't grow up together.
We didn't start as friends.
When we first got togethe
You bring the sunshine to my rain.
You give me love when I feel pain.
You came into my life so quick
A beautiful friendship happened in a wink
My feeli
The way I used to smile,
and love our favorite song
The way it felt so right