Techronia Priority Out Of Hours Wanker Service
"I remember one client calling... It was about 2am and he used our
Priority Out of Hours
Web design: managing a client’s expectations
Starting a site’s design before the content for that site is fully developed can be a costly mista
Are You a Professional?
How you look, talk, write, act and work
determines whether you are a professional or an ama
Koh-i-noor, a Mountain of Light
There was a period when Indian diamonds were very famous the world over. These included the Koh-i-no
Techronia Phone Support
When the statement "Click Here" isn't clear enough; when "Press any
key to continue..."
Tech Support!!
Why we should feel sorry for tech support people:
A woman called the Canon help desk with a pr
Managing client expectations
Managing client expectations before, during, and after a project is completed, is a difficult task f
Weight Lifting Exercise Chart
Weight lifting is a great way of muscle building, reducing body fat, and shaping your body. Before p
Techronia Technical Support Services
"The world of technology can be difficult for some." - Press Release
The leader
It applies
to organizations in general, and the ability of the organization to respond