Header is not working in IE
Hi ! header function is not working in IE but it works in FF, Safari, Chrome. any help please. :if (isset($_POST['sub1'])) { $id = $_POST['cscstest'
get url?
how do i get the url of the page i'm currently on, on my website.. i think its get header.. how do i do that?
Problem with passing variables
I'm not really a php programmer so I'm really struggling with this issue. I have a banner script that is supposed to send people to an affiliate site
Find occurences of unicode characters in string
I need to prohibit filenames with everything but English characters and numbers but regexp and string function don't seem to work because they conside
IF Statement & Two Tables With Different Echoes
I'm retrieving two tables in a single query using UNION ALL, like so:Code: $query = "SELECT * FROM film UNION ALL SELECT * FROM people ORDER BY i
Multiple Options for a Single Page
For this example I want to use the Handlers option which is under Fed Admin and all the related coding to the handlers option is found on the handlers
Not reloading page after php form submit
Hello helpful souls out there. You guys have come through for me in the recent past and I'm hoping someone out there can either help me or point me in
single values into sql field
i have a form which i want the user to able to select multiple answers. But i want the answers to be stored into a single field on the mysql table in
mod_rewrite.c on windows ??
why it's not working on windows while it's working on other hosts??? this is the code i got from a tutorial :Code: [Select]<IfModule mod_rewri
filesize() returns 0
I have a socket program that runs in an infinite loop, listening for connections, in this socket I have a method, that is supposed to open a file and
Table sorting
Hi,I'm trying to modify the following in order to make the output table sorted alphabetically according to $event_name but so far have not succeeded.
login to other site by sending post variables
hey,here is my problem: my school gave me a mail account for school-stuff use. they mail us importent information like changes to the timetable. now t
Cannot Connect to Database
I am writing an application to do annual reviews. I cannot get my script to work. Whenever it runs I get the following error:Code: $username='far'; $p
Multiple Options for a Single Page
For this example I want to use the Handlers option which is under Fed Admin and all the related coding to the handlers option is found on the handlers
help understanding hidden input w/ php
hello i'm doing a tutorial where there are multiple forms for an edit page for a user to update their info... there's a section of the code i dont rea
Date help - fetch dates for Mondays between xxx and yyy?
Does anyone know the best way to do this? I have two dates, say:2010-01-26 and 2010-05-30and I want to return the dates of all the Mondays between the
Hi All,I think I'm finally getting somewhere with pagination!I can now submit a query and get the correct number of records back with the correct numb
captcha error
I have been trying to implement a captcha in php...here is the code..Code: (php) [Select]<?php// Set the content-typeheader('Content-type: imag
Am I setting up my sites oldschool?
Ok,When I create a site I open a basic template that I have created that consists of a css file an index page and a few php inserts for the header, na
PHP / MySQL Associative Multidimensional Array:
Hello.I have data in a MySQL Table that adheres to the below: (note, no index, could add if necessary)group~~~~~setting~~~~~value1~~~~~~~~~Babble~~~~~