
Dealing with a Broken Heart
It has been two years since you have met him and everything was going really perfect. You have talked about your future together, your dreams, and tho

Romantic Birthday Ideas
Birthdays are a special time for everyone, even the forever twenty-niners. The day should be celebrated romantically, even if it means cooking for the

"Will You Marry Me?" in a Foreign Language
Looking for a unique way to say "Will you marry me"? Try saying it in a foreign language. Better yet, write each foreign language marriage proposal

Proposing in the Bedroom
Make your marriage proposal a very private, intimate experience. Whether it's planned out well in advance or in the heat of the moment, bedroom marria

How to Start a Conversation With a Girl
For most guys, it is tough striking a conversation with a girl they like. The problem with guys usually lies in the fact that either they think too mu


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