26/11 memories have faded the anger has perished...Why?

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 07:03 pm by admin

One year after the tragic attack on the life line of our country,It seems people have forgotten the incident or just started to live with it,the anger which prevailed in the hearts of every Indian is no where to be seen !!! why ? Are we citizens of this country where every political party makes a issue out of crap but the issues of National interests are not even thought over.

Yes there have been certain changes in the system but to what extent are we the citizens of India ,Mumbai safe the answer is NO,and why is it so because everyone is self centred ,for sometime the fire burns inside us but then perishes to the vain and vague promises of our Political leaders,today everyday there are fights in our country where someone is fighting for a community or they want to drive out a community.Ask your heart is that of any worth to you??

People who lost there loved ones look at us with anger and agony why ? Because for the cause their loved ones laid down their lives is forgotten,no one is bothered of whats happening with our country.

We say that we have a corrupt society where every department is corrupt...Please look inside your heart are they corrupt or we have made them corrupt...Did you get your reply so if an extremist came in our Country in our City and as the media has been saying they had done a Reki of all the places,it means we had certain corrupt citizens among ourselves who for the sake of money sold the lives and secrets of our Motherland to the enemies of Humanity.

No the extremists cannot be of any religion because no religion in the world says you have to kill innocent people for your own personal benefits,In our country where to earn a living people flock to cities and they get killed....why would someone else feel the pain.The time is high for us to wake up and fight back,if we want to weed out corruption we will have to ourselves be truthful in our deeds and behavior,raise over from personal benefits to National Interest,or else the policeman,the sweeper,the vegetable vendor,the grocery store owner,or any body who is giving or taking a bribe will be equally responsible for the death of innocents as they were the ones who sowed the seeds of corruption which will then lead to major catastrophies in our country.



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