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Swati Maliwal Case: The Court sent Bibhav to 14 days of judicial custody for, a case of assault on Swati Maliwal
The Tis Hazari court on Friday sent Chief Minister's aide Bibhav Kumar to 14-day judicial custody in the alleged attack on Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Swati Maliwal. Kumar was produced before the court after his three-day police custody granted to him on May 28 ended on Friday. He was arrested by the Delhi Police on May 18 in connection with the case.   Metropolitan Magistrate Gaurav Goel sent Bibhav Kumar to judicial custody. He will be produced before the court on June 14. He said the inve

Today's Poll

Do you support Citizen Amendment Bill 2019 (CAB)?

A: Yes
B: No
C: I do not know what it is
D: Neutral

Polls till now

1529 people say "Yes"
424 people say "No"
370 people say "I do not know what it is"
213 people say "Neutral"

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  When Singer Forget Lyrics During Live Concert


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Lok Sabha Election 2024: What does the foreign media say about BJP's victory? The New York Times report will shock you - Jun 01,2024

Indian media was already painted in the election color even before the bugle of the Lok Sabha elections 2024 was blown, media institutions and celebrities from all over the world not only showed interest in it but also presented their views and analysis in between. What did the media institutions around the world see in the general election of the world's largest democratic country, what did they put in front of the world and what did they feel?   Some of the foreign media institutions had a negative sentiment, some adopted a balanced stance, while some praised the great festival of Indian democracy. America's leading newspaper New York Times wrote that Modi's power is increasing and the people of India are making him stronger. The newspaper has written about the BJP entering this election with its Hindu nationalist agenda and loudly promoting its wel

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