Including calander to page - will not show other months than current??

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 07:03 pm by admin

im trying to add an existaing calander onto a profile page by using Code: <?php include "diary/cal_show.php";?>
which looks like this...

But when i hit either arrows to move on the month using this script - Code: <tr bgcolor="#<? echo $bg_top; ?>"><th width="20" style="<?php echo $hcell; ?>"><a href="<?php echo $puser; ?>?m=<?php =(($m-1)<1) ? 12 : $m-1 ?>&amp;y=<?php =(($m-1)<1) ? $y-1 : $y ?>"><img src='' height='18' width='18' alt='' border='0' /></a></th> It stays on the current month and i cant understand why..

here is the calander script

Code: <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
}) </script>


// there is NO NEED to edit ANY of this code

$ev_dat = array();
for ($i=0;$i<32;$i++) {

$now = date("Y-m-d", time());
list($ty, $tm, $td) = explode('-',$now); // ty=thisyear, etc. used for highlighting 'today'

include("cal_parms.php"); // assorted configuration variables
include($dat_names); // retrieved from cal_parms.php as a 'language' file

if (!isset($_GET['m'])) {
$m = date("m",mktime());
} else {
$m = $_GET['m'];
if (!isset($_GET['y'])) {
$y = date("Y",mktime());
} else {
$y = $_GET['y'];

/*== get what weekday the first is on ==*/
$tmpd = getdate(mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y));
$month = $tmpd["month"];
$firstwday= $tmpd["wday"];
if ($firstDayIsMonday == 1) {
if ($firstwday == 0) {
$firstwday = 6;
} else {
$lastday = mk_getLastDayofMonth($m,$y);

/*== get the last day of the month ==*/
function mk_getLastDayofMonth($mon,$year)
for ($tday=28; $tday <= 31; $tday++)
$tdate = getdate(mktime(0,0,0,$mon,$tday,$year));
if ($tdate["mon"] != $mon)
return $tday;

// compute range of dates for this month to match dates in database in the format yyyy-mm-dd
if (strlen($m)<2) {
else {
$q = $m;
$dats_beg = $y. "-". $q. "-01";
$dats_en = $y. "-". $q. "-". $lastday;

// open db conn and select all records where date is between $dats_beg and $dats_en
mysql_connect($db_host, $db_login, $db_pass) or die ("Can't connect!");
mysql_select_db($db_name) or die ("Can't open database!");
$query = "SELECT * FROM $db_table WHERE (ev_dat>='$dats_beg') AND (ev_dat<='$dats_en') ";

$result = mysql_db_query($db_name, $query);
// any matches?
if ($result)
// handle the matches and pass relevant info to arrays
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$found = $myrow['ev_dat'];
$pieces = explode("-", $found);
$dd = intval($pieces[2]);
$ev_dat[$dd] = $myrow['id'];
<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0" bgcolor="#<? echo $bg_edge; ?>">
<tr><td colspan="7" bgcolor="#<? echo $bg_top; ?>">
<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
<tr bgcolor="#<? echo $bg_top; ?>"><th width="20" style="<?php echo $hcell; ?>"><a href="<? echo $puser; ?>?m=<?=(($m-1)<1) ? 12 : $m-1 ?>&amp;y=<?=(($m-1)<1) ? $y-1 : $y ?>"><img src='' height='18' width='18' alt='' border='0' /></a></th>
<th style="<?php echo $hcell; ?>">
echo "<a href='../diary/show-month.php?mon=". $m. "&amp;yr=". $y. "'rel="facebox">";
echo "<span style='text-decoration:none'>". $mo[intval($m)]. " ". $y. "</span></a>";
<th width="20" style="<? echo $hcell; ?>"><a href="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?m=<?=(($m+1)>12) ? 1 : $m+1 ?>&amp;y=<?=(($m+1)>12) ? $y+1 : $y ?>"><img src='' height='18' width='18' border='0' alt='' /></a></th>
<tr bgcolor="#<? echo $bg_top; ?>">
<th width="20" style="<?php echo $hcell; ?>"><? echo $da[1]; ?></th>
<th width="20" style="<?php echo $hcell; ?>"><? echo $da[2]; ?></th>
<th width="20" style="<?php echo $hcell; ?>"><? echo $da[3]; ?></th>
<th width="20" style="<?php echo $hcell; ?>"><? echo $da[4]; ?></th>
<th width="20" style="<?php echo $hcell; ?>"><? echo $da[5]; ?></th>
<th width="20" style="<?php echo $hcell; ?>"><? echo $da[6]; ?></th>
<th width="20" style="<?php echo $hcell; ?>"><? echo $da[7]; ?></th>

$d = 1;
$wday = $firstwday;
$firstweek = true;
/*== loop through all the days of the month ==*/
while ( $d <= $lastday)
/*== set up blank days for first week ==*/
if ($firstweek)
if ($wday!=0) {
echo "<tr bgcolor='#". $bg_tabl. "'>n";
for ($i=1; $i<=$firstwday; $i++) {
echo "<td style='". $tcell. "' bgcolor='#". $bg_fill. "'>&nbsp;</td>n";
/*== Sunday start week with <tr> ==*/
else {
echo "<tr bgcolor='#". $bg_tabl. "'>n";
$firstweek = false;
/*== check for event ==*/
echo "<td style='". $tcell. "' ";
// is this day 'today' AND there's no event today
if (($ty==$y) && ($tm==$m) && ($td == $d) && (!$ev_dat[$d])) {
echo "bgcolor='#". $bg_now. "'>". $d;
elseif ($ev_dat[$d]) {
// get what's happening that day and use as 'mouseOver' for the link
$query = "SELECT * FROM $db_table WHERE id=$ev_dat[$d] ";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$ev = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$titl = $ev['ev_title'];
echo "bgcolor='#". $bg_act. "'>";
$url = "../diary/show.php?event=". $ev_dat[$d]. "&amp;sho=". $win_sho;

echo "<a href=' $url' rel="facebox" title="". $titl. "">". $d. "</a>";

else {
echo "bgcolor='#". $bg_days. "'>". $d;
echo "</td>n";

/*== Saturday end week with </tr> ==*/
if ($wday==6) {
echo "</tr>n";
$wday = $wday % 7;
if (($wday==0) AND ($d!=$lastday)){ echo "<tr bgcolor='#". $bg_tabl. "'>n"; }
// and close off the table
if (($wday!=7) AND ($wday!=0)) {
for ($i=$wday; $i<=6; $i++) {
echo "<td style='". $tcell. "' bgcolor='#". $bg_fill. "'>&nbsp;</td>n";
echo "</tr>";
echo "n</table>";
Hopefully someone can make sence on why its not working... i dont want to put it in an iframe as i would like to have popout windows used to show what event are happening on them dates.

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