Probably Easy, Need help with Check Boxes in PHP Code

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 07:03 pm by admin


Thanks for looking this over and helping me out. My problem is I have a online store locator database and whats happening is I keep getting an "array" message when I look at the store. I am working with the following code...

The first file I created was something called countrydropdown.php and here is the code in that file..
Code: function countrydropdown() {
<form method="post">
Please choose type of Party Occsaion Hosted::<br /><br />
Weddings:<input type="checkbox" value="Weddings" name="country[]">:
Birthday Parties:<input type="checkbox" value="Birthday" name="country[]">:
Social Events:<input type="checkbox" value="Social" name="country[]">:<br /><br />
Games:<input type="checkbox" value="Games" name="country[]">:
Anniversaries:<input type="checkbox" value="Anniversaries" name="country[]">:
Fantasy Leagues:<input type="checkbox" value="Fantasy" name="country[]">:<br /><br />
Meetings:<input type="checkbox" value="Meetings" name="country[]">:
Sports:<input type="checkbox" value="Sports" name="country[]">:
Awards:<input type="checkbox" value="Awards" name="country[]">:
Baby Showers:<input type="checkbox" value="Baby Showers" name="country[]">:<br /><br />
Kid Friendly:
Yes:<input type="checkbox" value="Yes" name="country[]">:
No:<input type="checkbox" value="No" name="country[]">:


The second file I am working with is the inc_newstore.php and its contents are...
Code: include("inc_security.php");

global $strFormadminstate;

screenheading("Party Room Submission Form");

print("<form action="{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" method="post">n");
print("<input type="hidden" name="pageaction" value="savestore">n");
print $strFormadminstate;
print("<table class="newtable" width="572" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td width="110" class="newhead">&nbsp;Capacity</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext"><input type="text" name="companystoreID" size="20"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Store name</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext"><input type="text" name="storename" size="40"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Address</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext"><input type="text" name="address" size="40"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;City</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext"><input type="text" name="city" size="40"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;State</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext">");

include ("statedropdown.php");

print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Zip / Post Code</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext"><input type="text" name="zippostcode" size="20"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Telephone 1</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext"><input type="text" name="telephone1" size="30"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Telephone 2</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext"><input type="text" name="telephone2" size="30"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Fax</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext"><input type="text" name="fax" size="30"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Email</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext"><input type="text" name="email" size="50"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Website</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext">http:// <input type="text" name="website" size="50"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Party Occasions</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext">");


print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">Description of <br/>Party Room
Kid Friendly
Wi-Fi Access
Or Other Features
print(" <td class="newtext"><textarea name="description" rows="5" cols="40" onkeyup="CheckFieldLength(description, 'charcount1', 'remaining1', 255);" onkeydown="CheckFieldLength(description, 'charcount1', 'remaining1', 255);" onmouseout="CheckFieldLength(description, 'charcount1', 'remaining1',255);"></textarea>
print("<small><span id="charcount1">0</span> characters entered. | <span id="remaining1">255</span> characters remaining.</small>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Store Hours</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext">n");

print("<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="0">");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td></td><td class="hourshead">OPEN</td><td class="hourshead">CLOSE</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Monday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="openmonday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="closemonday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Tuesday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="opentuesday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="closetuesday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Wednesday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="openwednesday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="closewednesday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Thursday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="openthursday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="closethursday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Friday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="openfriday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="closefriday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Saturday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="opensaturday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="closesaturday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Sunday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="opensunday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext"><input type="text" name="closesunday" size="15"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print("Other hours information
print("<textarea name="opencloseinfo" rows="5" cols="40" onkeyup="CheckFieldLength(opencloseinfo, 'charcount2', 'remaining2', 255);" onkeydown="CheckFieldLength(opencloseinfo, 'charcount2', 'remaining2', 255);" onmouseout="CheckFieldLength(opencloseinfo, 'charcount2', 'remaining2',255);"></textarea>
print("<small><span id="charcount2">0</span> characters entered. | <span id="remaining2">255</span> characters remaining.</small>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Store Manager</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext"><input type="text" name="storemanager" size="40"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Map Link</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext">http:// <input type="text" name="maplink" size="50"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Directions</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext"><textarea name="directions" rows="5" cols="40" onkeyup="CheckFieldLength(directions, 'charcount3', 'remaining3', 255);" onkeydown="CheckFieldLength(directions, 'charcount3', 'remaining3', 255);" onmouseout="CheckFieldLength(direcitons, 'charcount3', 'remaining3',255);"></textarea>
print("<small><span id="charcount3">0</span> characters entered. | <span id="remaining3">255</span> characters remaining.</small>n");

print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="newhead">&nbsp;Active</td>n");
print(" <td class="newtext"><input type="checkbox" name="recordstatus" value="active" checked></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td>&nbsp;</td>n");
print(" <td><input type="submit" value="save store"></td>n");
print(" </tr>n");

print("<div id="bottomspacer"></div>n");

Finally the third file is inc_viewstore.php file and its contents is...
Code: include("inc_security.php");

screenheading("Viewing Party Room Record");

if (isset($_REQUEST['id']))
(int)$intID = addslashes($_REQUEST['id']);
$intID = null;

$SQLstmt = "SELECT storeID, companystoreID, storename, address, city, suburb, " .
"statename, country, zippostcode, telephone1, telephone2, fax, " .
"email, website, description, openmonday, closemonday, opentuesday, " .
"closetuesday, openwednesday, closewednesday, openthursday, " .
"closethursday, openfriday, closefriday, opensaturday, closesaturday, " .
"opensunday, closesunday, opencloseinfo, storemanager, maplink, " .
"directions, recordstatus, slstore.recordlastmodified, " .
"slstore.recordlastmodifiedby, slstore.recordcreated, " .
"slstore.recordcreatedby FROM slstore LEFT JOIN slstate ON " .
"slstore.stateID = slstate.stateID WHERE storeID = '$intID'";

if ($resultSet = dbaction($SQLstmt))

$row = getrsrow($resultSet);

print("<table width="572" class="viewtable" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2">n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead" width="120">&nbsp;Store ID</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['storeID']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Capacity</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['companystoreID']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Store Name</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['storename']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Address</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['address']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;City</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['city']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;State</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['statename']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Zip / Post Code</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['zippostcode']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Telephone 1</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['telephone1']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Telephone 2</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['telephone2']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Fax</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['fax']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Email</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">");

if ($row['email'] != "")
print("<a href="mailto:{$row['email']}">{$row['email']}</a>");

print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Website</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">");

if ($row['website'] != "")
print("<a href="http://{$row['website']}" target="_blank">{$row['website']}</a>");

print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Party Occasion</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['country']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Description of <br/>Party Room
Kid Friendly
Wi-Fi Access
Or Other Features
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['description']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Store Hours</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">n");
print("<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="0">");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td></td><td class="hourshead">OPEN</td><td class="hourshead">CLOSE</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Monday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['openmonday']}</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['closemonday']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Tuesday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['opentuesday']}</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['closetuesday']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Wednesday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['openwednesday']}</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['closewednesday']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Thursday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['openthursday']}</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['closethursday']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Friday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['openfriday']}</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['closefriday']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Saturday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['opensaturday']}</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['closesaturday']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="hoursday">Sunday</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['opensunday']}</td>n");
print(" <td class="hourstext">{$row['closesunday']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print("Other hours information
print $row['opencloseinfo'];

print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Store Manager</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['storemanager']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Map Link</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">");

if ($row['maplink'] != "")
print("<a href="http://{$row['maplink']}" target="_blank">{$row['maplink']}</a>");

print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Directions</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['directions']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Record Status</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">");
if ($row['recordstatus'] == "active")
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Last Modified</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['recordlastmodified']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Last Modified By</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['recordlastmodifiedby']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Created</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['recordcreated']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
print(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Created By</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['recordcreatedby']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");

print("<div id="bottomspacer"></div>n");


Now I know my problem is somewhere in the file "inc_viewstore". The line with the issue is...
Code: print

(" <tr>n");
print(" <td class="viewhead">&nbsp;Party Occasion</td>n");
print(" <td class="viewtext">{$row['country']}</td>n");
print(" </tr>n");
When I tested this I kept seeing the word "Array" popup under "Party Occasion". I took a screenshot

EDIT: Seriously dude.. use CODE tags

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