Does deleting the spmlog directory critical?

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 07:03 pm by admin

Hi Everyone,

Please, hope you could help me. We're having problems with the SAP backup. It keeps on hanging upon sapstop. Looking at the db2diaglog.log, it says that "The DB2 Syncpoint Manager recovery log is bad". We checked the website about SPM0438 and they are recommending that the DBA should delete the spmlog directory and restart the DB2. Upon verification in db2diag.log, it says there that it has been recurring since 2002.
We are new in this and we do not have the guts in deleting anything.
My question is this, will this action be very critical? Are there other ways we can do this without deleting anything? What will be the repercussions of this action? What possible reasons could have caused this error and what can we do to prevent this? Please, please, hope you could give us some inputs. We've exhausted all efforts on how we can do this without deleting anything. Thanks in advance.


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