My mirror is broken, or at least it seems to be,
for today I discovered an old man staring back at me.
The face I recognized,
But he had hair of gray, and there were wrinkles around the eyes.
I waved. I rubbed the mirror with my sleeve.
No matter what I tried, he simply wouldn't leave.
This can't be me, I thought. I am much more svelte.
Just look at the way the belly hangs over his belt!
I also thought it was very queer.
The hair stopped growing atop his head and was growing out of each ear!
Who was this imposter, and what is he doing there,
this man of age with silver in his hair?
Why is my mirror doing this to me?
Having this old man staring back at me?
If you awake to one more dreary day,
an empty heart with empty hours to kill,
Just Who You Are Its Important
You've got quite an easy style
with a tender heart to match,
and how you'd wear a
I have a feeling deep in my heart.
It feels like the fire of a flame.
It feels of
I Can Do Anything For You My Love
Your lips so soft and red.
The thought of kissing you is stuck in my head. &n
Tomorrow's Unrevealed Blessings
Never judge the situation by the appearance
But by the Creator, who has your best interes
When you love and hold me without any fear
Happiness spreads throughout the atmosphere.
Some areas long as hoses
You buy at a garden store.
Mine can be used to smell ros
If you awake to one more dreary day,
an empty heart with empty hours to kill,
From the moment our eyes met,
My soul could never forget.
You handed me your numb
A little bit of laughter,
A little bit of tears,
A little bit of happiness,