Are You a Professional?
How you look, talk, write, act and work
determines whether you are a professional or an ama
IT company
Five cannibals get appointed as programmers in an IT company. During the welcoming ceremony the boss
What will happen in 2012 ??
The Mayan civilization predicted that on December 21, 2012 something will happen to the world we kno
Techronia Phone Support
When the statement "Click Here" isn't clear enough; when "Press any
key to continue..."
Ad Space!
Microsoft to sell Ad space in error messages
Microsoft announced that it is selling advertising
Web design: managing a client’s expectations
Starting a site’s design before the content for that site is fully developed can be a costly mista
Project Manager!
A tourist walked into a pet shop and was looking at the animals on display. While he was there, anot
Dealing with a Broken Heart
It has been two years since you have met him and everything was going really perfect. You have talke
"Will You Marry Me?" in a Foreign Language
Looking for a unique way to say "Will you marry me"? Try saying it in a foreign language. Better y
"Being different is not wrong it can
actually be a beautiful thing"