show the direct link into href
I want to display link on the page. i am fetching the data(URL) from database,actually before that i
Mass activity scheduling
Hi experts,
Im facing some problems to deal with mass activity jobs.
When I run some
Help with search.php
Hello All
I need the search engine on a site I am building at the moment to display the searc
an interesting question
Greetings folks, got to ask an interesting question...
let say
i have created a function s
GMail like Chat in ASP.NET
Hi,Can anyone suggest me, how to incorporate GMail like chat in my existing ASP.Net application.I wa
php include email form with attachment
I have had no luck with finding a email form all over the Internet for various reasons. Some insecur
Whats wrong with my query?
I am trying to get this query to show the appropriate ticked vehicle roof height, unless no boxs are
Script not running properly
Hello Everyone
This is a basic script for posting to a database. I'm not sure why it doesn't work
tell csv import script to ignore blank rows?
Hi i have the below script but i get an error if a row is blank ie a return in the csv file at the e
Anti Spam Code
Ok where do i start? Probably by telling you I have very little working knowledge of PHP and that I