echo $rows help

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 07:03 pm by admin

Hi all,

Hopefully something simple that I don't know!

I have this:

Code: [Select]<div id="marquee">

$query = mysql_query("SELECT stock_id, stock_code, t_val, y_val FROM stocks");
$stock_code = $rows['stock_code'];
$t_val = $rows['t_val'];
$y_val = $rows['y_val'];
$stock_id = $rows['stock_id'];

echo "<marquee>";
echo "<span style='color:#09F'>$stock_code</span>";
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "<span style='color:#0F0'>Todays Price = $t_val</span>";
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "<span style='color:#F00'>Yesterdays Price = $y_val</span>";
echo "</marquee>";

?>Which simply displays the output of a database in a scrolling marquee, which almost works! However the problem I have is that it displays like this:


How can I make it display like this:


Many thanks

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