Multiple Options for a Single Page
Posted on
16th Feb 2014 07:03 pm by
For this example I want to use the Handlers option which is under Fed Admin and all the related coding to the handlers option is found on the handlers.php page which includes a list of handlers with a hyperlink to a form to add a new handler and also hyperlinks next to each handlers name to where you can edit the handler's information. I'll include the handlers.php page at the bottom so you can see what I'm talking about. I want to know how to follow this same coding so that since you can see that the list of handlers is on handers.php file and it's option 0 then tell the handlers.php file that above the coding that that whole thing is option 0 because there's going to be other options for the handlers.php file. Like the add handler form is going to be option 1 and then edit handler is going to be option 2.
Code: <?php
print "<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">n";
print "function executeform(action,option) {n";
print "document.mainmenu.action.value = action;n";
print "document.mainmenu.option.value = option;n";
print "document.mainmenu.submit();n";
print "}n";
print "</script>n";
if ((isset($userid)) && ($userid > "0") && ($defaultcharacterid > "0"))
print "<h1>Character</h1>n";
print "<ul>n";
print "<li";
if (($action == "character") && ((isset($option)) && ($option == "2"))) { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('character','2');">Bio</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if (($action == "alliesrivals") && ((isset($option)) && ($option == "0"))) { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('alliesrivals','0');">Allies</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if (($action == "alliesrivals") && ((isset($option)) && ($option == "1"))) { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('alliesrivals','1');">Rivals</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "quotes") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('quotes','0');">Quotes</a></li>n";
print "</ul>n";
print "<h1>Submit</h1>n";
print "<ul>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "roleplay") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('roleplay','0');">Roleplay</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "news") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('news','0');">News</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "submitmatch") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('submitmatch','0');">Match</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "submitseg") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('submitseg','0');">Seg</a></li>n";
print "</ul>n";
if ((isset($isadmin)) && ($isadmin == "1"))
print "<h1>Fed Head</h1>n";
print "<ul>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "directory") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('directory','0');">Directory</a></li>n";
if ((isset($isadmin)) && ($isadmin == "1"))
print "<h1>Booking</h1>n";
print "<ul>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "champions") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('champions','0');">Champions</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "eventbooker") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('eventbooker','0');">Booker</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if (($action == "resultscompilation") && ((isset($option)) && ($option == "0"))) { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('resultscompilation','0');">Compiler</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if (($action == "resultscompilation") && ((isset($option)) && ($option == "1"))) { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('resultscompilation','1');">Archives</a></li>n";
print "</ul>n";
print "<h1>Fed Admin</h1>n";
print "<ul>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "handler") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('handler','0');">Handlers</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if (($action == "character") && ((isset($option)) && ($option == "1"))) { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('character','1');">Characters</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "manageapplications") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('manageapplications','0');">Applications</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "eventname") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('eventname','0');">Event Names</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "title") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('title','0');">Title Names</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "division") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('division','0');">Divisions</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "arenas") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('arenas','0');">Arenas</a></li>n";
print "</ul>n";
print "<h1>Site Admin</h1>n";
print "<ul>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "template") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('template','0');">Templates</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "content") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('content','0');">Content</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "biolayout") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('biolayout','0');">Bio Configuration</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "newscategory") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('newscategory','0');">News Categories</a></li>n";
print "<li";
if ($action == "menustructures") { print " class=active"; }
print "><a href="#" onClick="executeform('menustructures','0');">Menus</a></li>n";
print "</ul>n";
Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<meta name="author" content="" />
<title>Untitled 1</title>
<?php {
print '<h1 class=backstage>Handler Management</h1><br />';
print "<h2 class="backstage">Handlers :: <a href="#" onclick="ajaxpage('addhandler', 'content'); return false;">Add New</a></h2><br />";
print '<table width="100%" class="table1">';
print '<tr class="rowheading">';
print '<td width="30"> </td>';
print '<td align="center">Username</td>';
print '<td align="center">Surname</td>';
print '<td align="center">First Name</td>';
print '<td align="center">E-Mail</td>';
print '</tr>';
$query = "SELECT * FROM efed_handler ORDER BY `login`";
$result = mysql_query ( $query ); // Run The Query
if ($result) {
// Fetch and print all records.
$i = 0;
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ) {
$sClass = 'row2';
if ($i ++ & 1) {
$sClass = 'row1';
printf ( "<tr class="%s">", $sClass );
print "<td valign="top" align="center" width="30"><a href="#" onclick="ajaxpage('edithandler', 'content'); return false;">Edit</a></td>";
printf ( "<td valign="top" align="center">%s</td>", $row [login] );
printf ( "<td valign="top" align="center">%s</td>", $row [surname] );
printf ( "<td valign="top" align="center">%s</td>", $row [firstname] );
printf ( "<td valign="top" align="center">%s</td>", $row [email] );
print '</tr>';
print '</table><br />';
print '<h2 class=backstage><form method=POST><input type=hidden name=action value=mainmenu><input type=submit value="Return to Main Menu" class=button200></form></h2>';
print '<h1 class="backstage">Handler Management</h1><br />';
print '<h2 class="backstage">Add New Handler Account</h2><br />';
print '<form name="addhandler" method="post" action="backstage.php" id="addhandler">';
print '<table width="100%" class="table2">';
print '<tr>';
print '<td width="120" class="rowheading">Username:</td><td class="row3"><input type="text" name="login" class="fieldtext490"></td>';
print '</tr>';
print '<tr>';
print '<td class="rowheading">Password:</td><td class="row3"><input type="password" name="password" class="fieldtext490"></td>';
print '</tr>';
print '<tr>';
print '<td class="rowheading">Surname:</td><td class="row3">';
print '<input type="text" name="surname" class="fieldtext490"></td>';
print '</tr>';
print '<tr>';
print '<td class="rowheading">Firstname:</td>';
print '<td class="row3"><input type="text" name="firstname" class="fieldtext490"></td>';
print '</tr>';
print '<tr>';
print '<td class="rowheading">Email:</td>';
print '<td class="row3"><input type="text" name="email" class="fieldtext490"></td>';
print '</tr>';
print '<tr>';
print '<td class="rowheading">AIM:</td>';
print '<td class="row3"><input type="text" name="aim" class="fieldtext490"></td>';
print '</tr>';
print '<tr>';
print '<td class="rowheading">MSN:</td>';
print '<td class="row3"><input type="text" name="msn" class="fieldtext490"></td>';
print '</tr>';
print '<tr>';
print '<td class="rowheading">Forum ID:</td>';
print '<td class="row3"><input type="text" name="forumid" class="fieldtext490"></td>';
print '</tr>';
print '<tr>';
print '<td class="rowheading">Account:</td>';
print '<td class="row3"><select name="account" class="selection"><option value="0">- Select -</option>';
print '<option value="Active">Active</option><option value="Inactive">Inactive</option>';
print '</select></td>';
print '</tr>';
print '<tr>';
print '<td class="rowheading">Administrator:</td>';
print '<td class="row3"><select name="admin" class="selection"><option value="0">- Select -</option>';
print '<option value="2">No</option><option value="1">Yes</option>';
print '</select></td>';
print '</tr>';
print '</table><br />';
print '<input type="submit" value="Save Handler" class="button" name="addhandler"><br /><br />';
print '<input type="submit" value="Return to Handler List" class="button200"><br /><br />';
print '<script type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js"></script>';
print '<h2 class="backstage">Characters<br /><br />';
print '<select name="characterid" class="dropdown" id="character_selection">';
print '<option value="">- Select -</option>';
$query = 'SELECT charactername FROM characters';
$result = mysql_query ( $query );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $result ) ) {
print "<option value="".$row['charactername']."">".$row['charactername']."</option>r";
print '</select> <input type="hidden" id="chars" name="chars" value=""><input type="button" value="Add" onclick="WrestlerList()" class="button"></h2><br />';
print '<ul id="characterlist"></ul><br /></form&
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