selectbox+database connection retrive problem
Code: [Select]
<th align="left" scope="c
sendmail code suddenly not working
Hi Guys, I maintain 3 sites (including my own) I use the following code from a french webmaster that
why isn't this PHP code working ???
it's suppose to find a name on the database.
$s = $_POST["lname&
Problem with HTTP Caching...?
Hi there, im trying to implement caching. But it doesn't always work.
I post it here because ther
array_count_values question?
ok i'm trying to create a top ten list from a database of listed favorite movies.
the followi
please help
HTML Code:
Code: <span id="ctl00"><span>
Why does my php page download images over and over
Can anybody please explain to me why my php page keeps downloading the images and other items every
Displaying a clickable playername
I am going wrong somewhere with the mysql_query, can someone please put me straight?
Check Digits and extracting digits
I think I can figure out the code for this but I am having a very hard time getting past the first s
Parse error: parse error in C:wampwwwlogspagesmembers.php on line 16
I dont see the problem with this, I always get Parse error: parse error in C:wampwwwlogspagesme