Setting condidtions for an input box
Hi all,
I would like to set a condition in a txt box that says the number a user enters has t
List/Menu Box
On an edit page when you want something to select what a user has previously selected from the datab
shift numbers with paging
How would i be able to display 10 numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
and when I click next
Concatenate two strings ???
I have string one $string1 and another $string2.
How to concatenate (add) both of them $str
Undefined index on my form
ok im getting Undefined index on this line.. print_r($_REQUEST['form']);
below is the full sc
user data not transferring to new page
I'm a PHP learner. After an index.php page, the user goes to a login.php page. Both pages seem to
Ariba 9r - SAP MM Integration
Hi experts,
The standard Ariba adapter for 9r creates a relationship between Cost Centers
Check Date/Time in PHP
What I need the code to check is that $reQuest is 24 hours in the past then return a time based on h
MySQL-PHP Query Results Help
Hello all. I'm hoping to be able to get some help in solving a problem with query/rowcount output. I
Need help in Generating Combinations
Need help generating all possible combination of names in an array
Lets say i have the follow