How to separate records and ORDER BY
Let say i have 100 records and displayed in one page, then i want to get the records from 50-100 and
php mysql script to find record
Currently I have a simple table with 4 columns. A, B, C, D
If I want to find all
How to make a mail Form secure?
I want to create an email Form on my web site. How can I make the Form secure so the submitted info
Check before inserting in DB ???
This is my code
if ( $_POST ['Submit'])
$username = $_POST ['usernm
Odd or Even
Inside of a while loop I need to echo several rows of info...easy enough.
In the loop (for th
Update not working ... please help
I am trying to update a row using an edit form by passing id of the row .. but it is not
Problem with a select distinct
I have a problema with a select distinct, I have the next sql:
select distinct a,b,c,d fr
a multi dimensional array with for each
hi, I have been asked to write an array, I have Zone 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 each zone has 3 sections of weigh
Help with lottery style system?
I'm working on a currency system for forums and it is going to have a type of lottery system built i
Storing Values taken from a DB...
Using this code it will generate a short list from my database